Wednesday, February 6, 2013



This picture show where i do most of my studying and drawing,i don't have must to show.I sometimes draw on my bed,but i mostly use this table. All of the things that influence me to draw:Music is the main thing,times just put on my headphones and just zone out. For some apparent reason i like to draw in dim light, i also have some books that i use as reference, along with the internet.The anatomy book I got from Studio Art during my first semester and this book call "The World of the Arts" is the books i used most for reference ,very helpful.  i seriously don't have much things that inspired me to draw, but i do it often as i can. i sometimes would just start watching a movie on Netflix and then just grab my art supplies and start drawing with the movie going on without watch it;just listening to it in the background. i really don't watch cartoon that much so i cant really draw cartoon characters very well,my style of drawing is more of realism. i am not so good with the poses and motion art, but i plan on getting some manikins to help me improve in that area. i only used those marker and color pencils in a few of my art pieces, i love to use the no 2 pencil and my fingers to get that texture in my shading.

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